Plugin Tag: php
Simple Text Only Countdown
(2 total ratings)A simple countdown shortcode plugin that displays just the text. No flash nor javascript for live timer effect, nor styles, just plain text.
Quote Generator
(2 total ratings)Quote generator plugin allows clients,staff or both create a quote and/or schedule appointments on the web as well as see availability calendar in rea …
Coder Block
(0 total ratings)The Coder Block plugin allows embedding php code inside of posts and pages within the new Block Editor.
Insert ShortCode Pattern
(0 total ratings)Шаблонный текст вставляемый на страницу при помощи шорткода. HTML теги, PHP код
DX Template Manager
(1 total ratings)Create page templates like the ones in your theme folder but through a "DX Templates" menu in your Admin dashboard – HTML, JS, PHP supported …
WP XHProf Profiler
(1 total ratings)Adds PHP profiling support to your Wordpress using Facebook's XHProf Profiler.
Caspio Deployment Control
(0 total ratings)The Caspio Deployment Control plugin disables wptexturize and convert_chars filters on the_content for Caspio Bridge PHP SEO deployment support.
Aside Widget
(0 total ratings)Display arbitrary sidebar content conditional upon a particular post or page.
Related post widget
(0 total ratings)This widget allow you display related post for single post base on current post category
Easy Scheduled Posts
(1 total ratings)An easy to use WordPress function to add scheduled posts to any theme.
WP Developer Support
(0 total ratings)WordPress support and development help, wordpress coding support resources, shortcodes, functions, hooks, classes, methods, markdown code, frameworks.
Shortcode Callback
(1 total ratings)Adds a [callback] shortcode that can trigger PHP code so you can insert custom/complex things into your pages/posts.
(0 total ratings)Añade funcionalidad al sitio mediante código desde la administración.
Roosium Info
(0 total ratings)Display WordPress, PHP, Web Server, MySQL and Theme versions in wp-admin footer.
Ajax Weather
(0 total ratings)Ajax weather service is developed for the users not familiar with computer systems, for example, the elderly. Included in web pages as a left/right ba …
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: ABAP Brush
(0 total ratings)This is a Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) brush for the "SyntaxHighlighter Evolved" plugin.