WP Private Content Plus


Introduction to WP Private Content Plus

WP Private Content Plus simplifies the process for protecting your important WordPress site content from guests,members,specific user roles or group of selected users. This plugin supports content restrictions on posts,pages,custom post types, navigation menus,widgets and post attachments.Also the plugin allows you to hide specific content within posts and pages using a shortcode.

Documentation || Support || WP Private Content Pro

Apart from that you will get a unique private portal page for every user of your site and let the administrator add user specific content to this client area. Only the owner will be able to see the content in this private portal. WP Private Content Plus provides the ability to display different menu items to different users based on their login status as well as user roles. You can extend the private area with private discussions (private messages) and private files using the PRO Version.

Let’s take a look at the main features of WP Private Content Plus

Main Features

Upgrade to WP Private Content Pro

If you are a fan of WP Private Content Plus and want additional features, WP Private Content Pro is available.

Pro Features

Premium Addons

If you are a fan of WP Private Content Plus and want additional features, you can use the premium addons to extend the plugin with advanced content restriction features.

  • WPPCP Frontend Login – Add elegant frontend login form to your site and redirect users to private page or previously viewed content.
  • WPPCP Link Restrictions – Restrict any post/page/custom post type with custom query parameters or any dynamic URL from other plugins.
  • WPPCP Private Page Custom Tabs – Add dynamic tabs with custom content for private user page of WP Private Content Pro.
  • WPPCP Category Restrictions – Restrict posts/custom post types from specific categories to guests/ members/ user roles
  • WPPCP Tag Restrictions – Restrict posts/custom post types from specific post tags to guests/ members/ user roles
  • WPPCP Taxonomy Restrictions – Restrict posts/custom post types from specific custom taxonomy to guests/ members/ user roles

User Profiles Made Easy Integration

WP Private Content Plus is a plugin that protects your content from different type of users. It involves many user management related features. This version is not capable of handling user related functions such as frontend login, frontend registration, member directory and user profile search. So we have integrated WP Private Content Plus with popular User Profiles Made Easy plugin to offer complete features related to user management and content protection. WP Private Content Plus handled the content restriction management while User Profiles Made Easy handles frontend user features related to content restriction.

Additional Features with User Profiles Made Easy

Support Forum:

Support forum tickets are only answered once a week unless the tickets contains critical bugs. You can get priority support through PRO version.

Main Features in Detail:

This plugin provides main features as listed in the following section.

Private Page:

This feature allows administrators to add private content for each user. Private page is created for every user and they will be able to view the added content after login. This area acts as a customer portal, where all content specific to a user is displayed at one place. If a given user doesn’t have any private content, message will be displayed on private page.

Global Post/Page Restrictions:

This feature allows you to restrict all posts/pages on your site by default and redirect users to a specified URL in case user doesn’t have necesary permission.

Protect Entire Posts/Pages/Custom Post Types:

This feature allows you to restrict entire posts/pages/custom post types and redirect users to a specified URL in case user doesn’t have necesary permission.

Private Content Shortcode:

This feature allows you to add a shortcode into the post/page editor and restrict part of the content for guests, members or specific user roles. Post/Page content is displayed for all users while message is displayed for content within the private shortcode, in case user doesn’t have necesary permission.

Menu Restrictions :

This feature allows you to restrict each menu item from guests, members or specific user roles. Useful for displaying different nav menu items for different user types.

Widget Restrictions :

This feature allows you to restrict each WordPress widget from guests, members or specific user roles. Useful for displaying different widgets for different user types.

Search Restrictions :

This feature allows you to add Search Restrictions on content types as well as user types.Now you can block certain pages/posts from appearing in search results. Also you can restrict searchable content based on user type such as Guest, Everyone and Members.

Post Attachment and Downloads Restrictions :

This feature allows you to upload related files as attachments for posts/pages/custom post types (which uses the_content filter) and let users download the attachments under the post/page. You can restrict viewing/downloading these file attachments for guests and members. Protect attachments is one of the unique features compared to other similar plugins. Free version only restricts the attched files inside post/page. User can still access the attchment using direct file URL. PRO version protects direct access using htaccess file.

Password Protection :

This feature allows you to protect your entire site(Front-end) using a single password. Once its enabled, you will have a private site and users won’t be able to view your site without the correct password.

Integration with User Profiles Made Easy

This feature integrates this plugin with popular User Profiles Made Easy plugin and allows you to display private page for users as a tab in user profile.

WooCommerce Product Tab Restrictions :

This feature allows you to create tabs for WooCommerce products in frontend and add product specific additional content. Then you can restrict these tabs to members or specific user roles

About WP Expert Developer

WPExpert Developer is a website and blog created to provide resources from top WordPress developers. Our prmiary goal is to provide top quality resources to WordPress users and guide beginner developers to become experts. You can access many top quality plugins, books, presentations, articles and tutorials at www.wpexpertdeveloper.com. We hope you enjoyed using this plugin. Following section contains some of the other plugins by WPExpert Developer.

Please refer the Documentation for instructions for using WP Private Content Plus


  • Private Content Page
  • User Role Hierarchy
  • General Settings
  • Post/Page Restrictions


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-private-content-plus directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Private Content Settings screen to configure the plugin
  4. Use the shortcodes and docs at https://www.wpexpertdeveloper.com/wp-private-content-plus/ to restrict content.


Adar 22, 2023
There are several comments on a thread support message regarding an issue with the latest version of the plugin. Another user commented that the author has not shown as active here since 2021. I have since found another plugin to replace this one given the lack of support from the developer on this plugin.
Mijdar 12, 2022
The plugin worked great as long as you we did not use any search functionality on the site. After implementing the standard wordpress search we did not get any search results and had to activate/deactivate all plugins till we found that this one blocks displaying any search results.
Cotmeh 7, 2022
1) you do not understand how to login and it is NOT explained (need an external plugin? boh) 2) it is not clear how to land into the private page of userA and it is NOT explained 3) even if the plugin is enabled the private-page slug returns a 404 4) the documentation is short and useless and does NOT explain in any way how to access your private pages / posts. 5) I was unable to use the plugin after 1 hour of testing 6) you are so greedy that you want to get customers to pay for the “PrEmIuM” version that you have not bothered to explain the basic functions to your followers. good.
Çile 10, 2022
Easy to use, light and does exactly what it’s supposed to do. Couldn’t praise the creators more!
Çile 12, 2021
Hello In the official website you offers a 5 days trial of the pro version. I ask for tree times so far but no budy contacted me. I sent some question in support area too no one answers, that make me think what is going to happend when this plugins fails or need to upgrade? If you may answer my pre sales question i sent before i will buy it right away. One of the question is, when you upload content to a specific user, do the ser get a email notification? Thanks in advance
Tîrmeh 27, 2020 2 replies
If you were looking for a simple way to restrict certain pages by user role, don’t waste your time unless you plan on paying. They literally only included the most basic features most of which you can already do with WP by default. The way these plugin developers rope you in with their “free plan” but give you every useless feature, only allowing you access just up to the point of making the plugin useful then they hit you with the Must Upgrade. If they would make these plugins usable and make the more advance stuff requiring an upgrade, I might pay for some, but they make the free versions look good in the description then you install them, DENIED. Worse, when you go to delete the plugin that doest work as you thought, they don’t clean up after themselves and leave crap all over your database! ARGH!
Read all 41 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP Private Content Plus” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Fix bug related to searching restricted posts


  • Fix bug related to REST API access


  • Remove desctivation popup
  • Fix template issue in attachments


  • Improve security in all plugin files


  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.3


  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.1


  • Fix security issue related to group creation
  • Improve security in all plugin files


  • Resolve dependency issues for jQuery new version
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.6.1


  • Fix site lockdown issues with 3.01


  • Fix PHP notice on site lockdown section
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.5.1


  • Add bulk private page content inside the private page menu
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.1


  • Fixed issue with a redirection loop


  • Added new feature for site lockdown


  • Remove admin notice related to 2.1 version


  • Added new feature for bulk private page content


  • Fix issue with file encoding in 2.11


  • Fix PHP notice in groups screen
  • Fix issue with private page HTML content not working


  • Add notification about mandatory upgrade notice
  • Improve security in all plugin files


  • Fix security issues related to settings
  • Improve security in all plugin files


  • Limit certain posts/pages access only to author


  • WooCommerce private tabs and restrictions


  • Support for adding multiple users to group from user list